

The acceleration of emerging technologies like Generative AI, the Metaverse and Spatial Computing present a once-in-a-generation opportunity. Businesses and organisations who actively explore possible futures can innovate better and will stay ahead of the curve.


While the future remains a mystery, we have the power to explore and anticipate its myriad possibilities. Futures Thinking is a strategic approach that empowers us to make well-informed decisions for the next five to ten years.

Dive into the world of Futures Thinking through interactive workshops. Designed to expand your horizons, these sessions are more than just a lecture. They are an invitation to explore and create multiple future scenarios, fostering innovation and strategic foresight in your team.

Join the ranks of forward-thinking organisations that are working with Ruben:

Through Futures Thinking you're prepared and proactive, rather than reactive and surprised, by what tomorrow brings. Move from Future Visions to Future Doing.

Workshop Formats

  • 2-hour Session

    Quick Dive into the Future (30min presentation + 1.5-hour workshop)

    Get a taste of the future! This teaser session includes a 30-minute enlightening presentation on emerging trends and technologies followed by a 1.5-hour interactive workshop. It's the perfect spark to ignite your team's imagination and curiosity about what's on the horizon. This is a great option as a breakout session during your event!

  • Half-Day Immersion

    Strategic Foresight Workshop (45min presentation + 2-hour workshop)

    Delve deeper into Future Scenarios with a half-day session. Start with a 45-minute presentation on relevant trends, terminology and technologies, then roll up your sleeves for a 2-hour workshop. It's ideal for teams looking to combine comprehensive insight with active scenario planning for multiple futures.

  • Full-Day Expedition

    Comprehensive Future Crafting (two 45min presentations + 4-hour workshop)

    Embark on a full-day journey into Futures Thinking. Kick off with a deep dive into emerging trends and technologies, followed by a morning workshop session. After a brief interlude (lunch not included), return for another presentation and an intensive afternoon workshop. This immersive experience is designed for teams committed to leading in a rapidly evolving world.

Walk away with inspiration and …

  • Enhanced Strategic Vision: Participants will gain the ability to foresee and prepare for potential future scenarios, leading to more strategic and long-term planning.

  • Improved Decision Making: With a deeper understanding of possible futures, individuals and organisations can make more informed decisions that are robust against a range of future possibilities.

  • Innovative Mindset Cultivation: Futures Thinking encourages innovative and creative approaches to problem-solving and strategy, helping participants think outside the box and foster a culture of innovation.

  • Risk Management: By anticipating future trends and challenges, participants can better identify risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.

  • Competitive Advantage: Staying ahead of emerging trends and potential disruptions can give organisations a significant edge over competitors who are slower to adapt.

  • Adaptability and Resilience: Futures Thinking workshops help build adaptability and resilience, equipping participants with the skills to navigate and thrive in an uncertain and rapidly changing world.

  • Collaboration and Alignment: These workshops can align teams around a shared vision of the future, improving collaboration and driving cohesive action towards common goals.

  • Increased Creativity: Participants are encouraged to envision diverse and sometimes radical future scenarios, which can unlock new and creative ideas for products, services, and strategies.

  • Personal and Organisational Growth: Engaging with the future in a structured way can lead to personal development as well as growth and evolution for the entire organisation.

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